

Profile: Don

What was your first CrossFit experience?

At my college gym where a friend invited me to do a workout (Cindy). He said the goal was 1 round per minute; i got 17

What workouts/sports do you do outside of the box?

No sports; bike-touring

What made you want to become a coach? 

I know there are people out there who want to improve the quality of their life and I want to help get them there.

What is the best part about being a coach? 

Seeing people improve not by some miracle or any one major event but by choices they make every single opportunity of every single day.

If you had to do one exercise for the rest of your life, what would it be?


What exercise could you do without?

N/A. The exercise I could do without is probably the one I should be doing.

Working out with or without a shirt? 

Depends on the workout

What music do you play the most?

